NewVeg: The importance of biostimulation in sustainable agriculture


1. Introduction

Sustainable agriculture seeks to balance food production with care for the environment. In this context, biostimulation has become an essential practice to promote the growth and health of crops in a natural and sustainable way.

2. Benefits of biostimulation

Biostimulation offers a number of key benefits to crops:

  • Stimulates plant growth and cell division.
  • Increases plant resistance to abiotic and biotic stress.
  • Promotes the absorption of nutrients and improves their efficiency.
  • Increases the quality of the fruits and the productivity of the crops.
  • Improves the recovery capacity of crops after adverse conditions.

3. Our biostimulant products

At NEW VEG, we develop biostimulant products of natural origin to enhance the growth and health of your crops. Our product line includes:

  • Rooting stimulator: Promotes the development of strong and healthy roots, improving the absorption of water and nutrients.
  • Natural defense activator: It stimulates the immune system of plants, making them more resistant to diseases and pests.
  • Flowering enhancer: Increases the quantity and quality of flowers, favoring pollination and fruit development.

4. Application of biostimulants

The correct application of biostimulants is essential to obtain optimal results in crops. Here we give you some recommendations:

  1. Maintain an application schedule according to the development stages of your crops.
  2. Follow the dosage and dilution instructions indicated on our products.
  3. Apply biostimulants at times of less stress for the plants, such as early in the morning or at dusk.
  4. It combines biostimulation with sustainable agricultural practices, such as crop rotation and integrated pest management.

5. Conclusion

Biostimulation plays a crucial role in sustainable agriculture, promoting healthy crop growth without harming the environment or compromising human health. At NEW VEG, we are committed to providing you with quality biostimulant products that help maximize the productivity and sustainability of your crops.